Western Australia’s state-wide single-use plastic ban has come into effect from today, July 1.
Plan for Plastics’ stage one sees single-use plastics or disposable items prohibited including plates, bowls, cutlery, stirrers, straws, thick plastic bags, polystyrene takeaway food containers and helium balloon releases.
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Under the regulations, items made from compostable or plant-based plastics, as well as paper products, that have a plastic coating or lining, such as coloured or printed paper plates and bowls commonly used for parties and celebrations will also be banned.
From October 1, 2022, WA businesses will no longer be able to supply disposable plastic cups for cold drinks either.
National Retail Association CEO Dominique Lamb told the ABC the association spent this year helping businesses navigate through the changes but understands patience and ongoing support would be needed over the next few months.
"We know that many of our national brands have moved towards more sustainable bag options [and] more sustainable packaging options over time but, for small businesses, this is a big change for them," she said.
It’ll also be an offence to supply banned items or provide false or misleading information about banned items.
Businesses are encouraged to ask their suppliers questions before making purchasing including do the items comply with WA’s new legislation and do any of the items contain plastic or compostable plastic.
Exemptions from the bans will be able to be sought through an online process from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and will apply in certain settings such as the disability, health, and aged-care sectors.
More information and resources can be found at https://plasticsbanwa.com.au/
Compliance enquiries can be emailed to [email protected] or people can call 6364 6651.
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